Use squid and squidGuard to redirect all URLs from a domain to another one

Posted on 2017-06-09 in Trucs et astuces

You may find yourself in a situation where you will need to redirect all URLs from a domain (lets say to another one (lets say This can be done with squid, a proxy server, and squidGuard, an extension to squid designed to do redirections. In this article I will deal only with redirections of HTTP requests made to that domain.

First install squid and squidGuard on your machine (you should be able to find packages for them in the repository of your distribution).

Configure squid

We need to tweak a bit the default configuration for it to fit our needs. The config file should be located at /etc/squid/squid.conf.

First we need to disable the forwarded_for feature by adding forwarded_for off in the config file. We also need to the name of the proxy with visible_hostname fastolfe.localdomain.

Then we need to configure the program used to rewrite the URL (you may need to change the path to the squidGuard executable and config file): url_rewrite_program /usr/bin/squidGuard -c /etc/squid/squidGuard.conf.

At last but not least, we must allow all connections that are not HTTP or that are on different ports to be passed untouched by the proxy. To achieve that, we need to add the following ACLs (add them below the other ones and before acl CONNECT method CONNECT):

acl Safe_ports port 993         # secured imap
acl Safe_ports port 587         # secured smpt
acl Safe_ports port 25          # default smtp
acl Safe_ports port 465         # gmail smtp
acl Safe_ports port 53          # DNS

We then need to change the http_access rule to allow not only HTTPS on port 443 but all the other ones. To do that, replace http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports by http_access deny CONNECT !Safe_ports.

Since all your HTTP request will go through the proxy, you may want to disable the log to prevent them to use lot of disk space. To do that, add to the config file:

access_log none
cache_log none
cache_log none
logfile_rotate 0

You can download my full configuration file here.

Configure squidGuard

We will first need to write the main configuration file that should be at /etc/squid/squidGuard.conf. If the file already exists, I advise you to replace its content by the code below. You will have to adapt it to mach your needs.


# Where to store the database of the rules.
dbhome /etc/squid
# Log dir. You may need to create the directory manually, create the /var/log/squidGuard/squidGuard.log file and give it to the squid user.
logdir /var/log/squidGuard


rew example {
    # Rewrite (replace in the URL) by


src local {
    # Define what source addresses the proxy must proxy. Here we limit ourselves to local host.


dest local {

acl {
    default {
        # Rewrite the URL based on the example rewrite rule.
        rewrite example
        # Don't block any addresses, configure the proxy to pass everything.
        pass        local all

To test the configuration run:

echo ' - - GET' | squidGuard -c squidGuard.conf -d

You should get something like:

2017-06-10 17:07:41 [22756] New setting: dbhome: /etc/squid
2017-06-10 17:07:41 [22756] New setting: logdir: /var/log/squidGuard
2017-06-10 17:07:41 [22756] destblock local missing active content, set inactive
2017-06-10 17:07:41 [22756] squidGuard 1.4 started (1497107261.140)
2017-06-10 17:07:41 [22756] squidGuard ready for requests (1497107261.141)
2017-06-10 17:07:41 [22756] source not found
2017-06-10 17:07:41 [22756] no ACL matching source, using default
OK rewrite-url=""
2017-06-10 17:07:41 [22756] squidGuard stopped (1497107261.141)

If you use another URL, you should get this response:

2017-06-10 17:07:49 [22759] New setting: dbhome: /etc/squid
2017-06-10 17:07:49 [22759] New setting: logdir: /var/log/squidGuard
2017-06-10 17:07:49 [22759] destblock local missing active content, set inactive
2017-06-10 17:07:49 [22759] squidGuard 1.4 started (1497107269.252)
2017-06-10 17:07:49 [22759] squidGuard ready for requests (1497107269.252)
2017-06-10 17:07:49 [22759] source not found
2017-06-10 17:07:49 [22759] no ACL matching source, using default
2017-06-10 17:07:49 [22759] squidGuard stopped (1497107269.252)

You can download my full configuration file here.

Activate squid

You can now enable and start the proxy: systemctl enable squid and systemctl start squid.

You now need to configure your software to use it. For instance, if you use NetworkManager, to make all requests go through it:

  1. Open the network settings.
  2. Go under Network proxy.
  3. Select Manual in Method.
  4. Fill the first field of HTTP Proxy with localhost and put 3128 in the second one.

That's it. If you have a problem or a question, please leave a comment.