Check domains

Posted on 2021-09-22 in Trucs et astuces

Here is a small script to allow you to easily check that a domain your manage is correct (ie responds correctly, is available with IPv4 and IPv6, only supports TLS 1.2+…). It even has some color built in! You can of course adapt it to fit your needs.

You can use it like this:


And you should get something like that:

---- Checking domain
Redirect to HTTPS: OK
Is reachable with IPv4: OK
Is reachable with IPv6: OK
Check HTTP 1.1: OK
Check HTTP2: OK
Check not reachable with TLS 1.0: OK
Check not reachable with TLS 1.1: OK
Check reachable with TLS 1.2: OK
Check not reachable with TLS 1.3: OK
Check that server responds with 200 or 404: OK

The script (direct link):

  1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
  3 readonly red="\e[0;91m"
  4 readonly blue="\e[0;94m"
  5 readonly expand_bg="\e[K"
  6 readonly blue_bg="\e[0;104m${expand_bg}"
  7 readonly red_bg="\e[0;101m${expand_bg}"
  8 readonly green_bg="\e[0;102m${expand_bg}"
  9 readonly green="\e[0;92m"
 10 readonly white="\e[0;97m"
 11 readonly bold="\e[1m"
 12 readonly uline="\e[4m"
 13 readonly reset="\e[0m"
 16 function ok() {
 17     echo -e "${green}OK${reset}"
 18 }
 20 function nok() {
 21     echo -e "${red}NOK${reset}"
 22 }
 24 function main() {
 25     for domain in "$@"; do
 26         echo -e "${bold}---- Checking domain ${domain}${reset}"
 28         echo -n "Redirect to HTTPS: "
 29         if curl --head --silent "http://${domain}" | grep --silent Location; then
 30             ok
 31         else
 32             nok
 33         fi
 35         echo -n "Is reachable with IPv4: "
 36         if curl -4  --head --silent "https://${domain}" > /dev/null; then
 37             ok
 38         else
 39             nok
 40         fi
 42         echo -n "Is reachable with IPv6: "
 43         if curl -6 --head --silent "https://${domain}" > /dev/null; then
 44             ok
 45         else
 46             nok
 47         fi
 49         echo -n "Check HTTP 1.1: "
 50         if curl --http1.1 --silent "https://${domain}" > /dev/null; then
 51             ok
 52         else
 53             nok
 54         fi
 56         echo -n "Check HTTP2: "
 57         if curl --http2 --silent "https://${domain}" > /dev/null; then
 58             ok
 59         else
 60             nok
 61         fi
 63         echo -n "Check not reachable with TLS 1.0: "
 64         if ! curl --tlsv1.0 --tls-max 1.0 --silent "https://${domain}" > /dev/null; then
 65             ok
 66         else
 67             nok
 68         fi
 70         echo -n "Check not reachable with TLS 1.1: "
 71         if ! curl --tlsv1.1 --tls-max 1.1 --silent "https://${domain}" > /dev/null; then
 72             ok
 73         else
 74             nok
 75         fi
 77         echo -n "Check reachable with TLS 1.2: "
 78         if curl --tlsv1.2 --tls-max 1.2 --silent "https://${domain}" > /dev/null; then
 79             ok
 80         else
 81             nok
 82         fi
 84         echo -n "Check not reachable with TLS 1.3: "
 85         if curl --tlsv1.3 --tls-max 1.3 --silent "https://${domain}" > /dev/null; then
 86             ok
 87         else
 88             nok
 89         fi
 91         echo -n "Check that server responds with 200 or 404: "
 92         status_code=$(curl --write "%{http_code}" --silent --head --output /dev/null "https://${domain}")
 93         if [[ "${status_code}" == '200' || "${status_code}" == '404' ]]; then
 94             ok
 95         else
 96             nok
 97         fi
 99         echo -e ""
100     done
101 }
103 main "$@"