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LaTeX: a nice front page

Posted on 2013-10-20 in Trucs et astuces Last modified on: 2016-08-28

LaTeX can make front pages with the \maketitle command if the fields \author{Me}, \date{\today} and \title{My title} are filled. However, it is quite dry. Luckily, the titlepage environment comes to the rescue: with the code below, you can get a very nice result!

\documentclass[12pt, openany]{report}

\setlength{\parskip}{1ex plus 0.5ex minus 0.2ex}



    % Upper part of the page. The '~' is needed because \\
    % only works if a paragraph has started.

    \textsc{\LARGE École Centrale Marseille}\\[2cm]

    \textsc{\Large Rapport de stage 1A}\\[1.5cm]

    % Title
    \HRule \\[0.4cm]
    { \huge \bfseries Opérateur expédition produits finis\\[0.4cm] }

    \HRule \\[2cm]

    % Author and supervisor
      \begin{flushleft} \large
        Moi \textsc{Même}\\
        Promo 2015\\
      \begin{flushright} \large
        \emph{Tuteur :} M. Le \textsc{Tuteur}\\
        \emph{Chef d'équipe : } M. Chef \textsc{D’Équipe}


    % Bottom of the page
    {\large 1\ier{} Juillet 2013 — 30 Août 2013}

The title page